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Does email marketing still have an impact?

Email marketing is an important marketing strategy that many e-commerce businesses can't stop using. Businesses organize Email marketing campaigns to communicate directly with their customers, promote their products and campaigns, and increase their sales.

Here's a look at whether Email marketing really has an impact on sales:

Customer relationship:

Email marketing is used to communicate directly with customers and offer them special deals. Businesses draw the attention of their customers by preparing personalized campaigns based on their customers' interests, preferences and purchase history. This personalization increases customers' loyalty to the business and triggers repeat sales. For example, if a customer has purchased a product before, the business might send him an email about similar products. In this way, reminding the customer of the product they need provides an opportunity to make a sale again.

Measurable Results:

The results of email marketing campaigns can be easily measured. Businesses can evaluate the impact of their campaigns by tracking data such as open and click-through rates, conversion rates, and revenue. This data allows businesses to better understand and optimize their strategies. Also, email marketing campaigns are lower cost compared to other marketing channels, so it is seen as a higher return marketing method.

Conversion Rates:

Email marketing campaigns increase conversion rates. Campaigns prepared according to the interests of customers affect their purchasing decisions. Businesses can try to attract customers back to the shop or website by setting a certain time limit in their campaigns. In this way, email marketing campaigns increase business revenues and strengthen customer loyalty.

Email marketing campaigns strengthen customer relationships, provide measurable results and increase conversion rates. For this reason, many businesses still persist in their Email marketing strategy.


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